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KG3 – Exercise Workbook


This KG3 exercise workbook from the “Arc-en-ciel” collection focuses on oral comprehension, and written comprehension and expression.

It complements the KG3 Reading textbook. To access the full “Arc-en-ciel” collection for KG3, please click here.

ISBN: 9786148039164 Categories: , , , , Tags: , , , Product ID: 120


KG3 Exercise Workbook – Arc-en-ciel

KG3 Method Presentation

This KG3 exercise workbook is part of the “Arc-en-ciel” collection. The latter is based on the mixed reading method. Starting with the global method, letters and syllables are combined to build new words.

The “Arc-en-ciel” method for KG3 revolves around the following methodological principles: 

  • Oral comprehension and expression: the exercises encourage children to enhance their communication skills.
  • An abundance of illustrations: attractive and colorful images strengthen comprehension and encourage oral expression.
  • Children’s active participation: interactive activities stimulate children’s interest and engagement.
  • Regular assessments: these pages allow the tracking of children’s progress.

The “Arc-en-ciel” collection for KG3 is a comprehensive method to learn French. It comprises the following three components: a reading textbook, an exercise workbook, and a writing copybook. This collection also comes with 12 storybooks.

KG3 Exercise Workbook 

The purpose of this exercise workbook is for students to acquire and practice the following three skills: oral comprehension, written comprehension, and written expression. This workbook also provides a variety of vocabulary and phraseology exercises that focus on phonemes-graphemes and lexical enrichment. This exercise workbook complements the reading textbook for this grade and helps children get a better understanding of the basics of the French language. 

Informations complémentaires

Weight 0.16 kg
Dimensions 28 × 21 × 0.4 cm

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