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KG2 – English | Apprendre les Lettres

9.22 $

Ce manuel accompagne le livre KG2 – English de la Moyenne Section.

ISBN : 9786144891346 Catégories : , , Étiquette : , , , ID Produit : 238


Rainbow Colors – Letters Copybook KG2

The KG2 Rainbow Colors Method Presentation

This copybook is part of the Rainbow Colors collection. Intended for KG2, it is an integral component of a comprehensive method for learning English basics. This method includes a workbook, the copybook “Letters”, 10 small-format storybooks, and the lyrics to songs and rhymes. The KG2 method is divided into themes directly related to the children’s daily activities.

The Letters copybook complements the KG2 workbook. Its objective is to teach students to write lowercase and uppercase letters with a playful approach.

Informations complémentaires

Poids 0.3 kg
Dimensions 28 × 21 × 0.7 cm

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